How to boost the ranking SERPS for your business on Google?

 Today, any person or company that wishes to develop its business must have a presence in the digital. This is done by constructing first a Web site and then getting a lot of traffic. The more you get visitors on your platform, the better are your chances to generate leads and convert them into regular customers. However, digital marketing is, however, a highly competitive area. The sites at the top of the SERPS (results pages (search engines) have a higher ctr than the pages at the bottom. For this reason, a good positioning is important. Discover in this article some tips to boost the ranking of your website on Google.

Use the right keywords for the content of your Web site

Basically, the job search engines such as Google is to make users of the results relevant to their search queries. To do this, the robots, "spider" and "crawler" to scour the entire web to identify which pages containing the keywords that users search. These pages are still filtered before being displayed to the user. Only those who specifically meet the needs of users will appear in the search results. There are several ways to identify the right keywords to display in the content of your Web site :
  • The first and most simple is to put you in the shoes of your potential visitors. This means creating personalities buyer and identifying the words and expressions that buyers are likely to enter into Google when they use your service.
  • The second method is to use a tool to search for keywords such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console or Google Keyword Planner. In fact, the leaders of the search engines have at their disposal the analysis software they need to rank highest in their directories. Depending on your business, these tools will present you with the words and expressions that could generate a good organic traffic.

Conduct an audit SEO.

An audit SEO is the starting point of your SEO strategy. In fact, some errors may seriously affect the navigation on the site. Through the audit, you will know the strengths and weaknesses of your location and will take immediate corrective action. Well, make a balance sheet in your website gives you a solid base to start your seo work. Through the audit, you will also know which channels require an additional effort, such as links or social networks.

Website optimization for mobile devices

With the recent development of smartphones and tablets, it is clear that more and more people use mobile devices to access the Internet rather than computers. Google is fully aware of this information. This is why optimizing your website for mobile devices has become a very important criterion to boost your ranking SERPS. To meet the new requirements of Google optimization mobile, you will need to rework some of the elements of your site. Some robots, Google simulate the use on your website and check several points, such as :
  • responsive design
  • the Readability of the contents (layout, size, fonts)
  • the structure of information ;
  • the Speed and fluidity of loading pages ;
  • the reduction of the pop-up windows are hidden, etc
Essentially, your website needs to be ergonomic so that mobile users can access your content the same way that PC users. In addition, you can use the tool "Google Mobile-Friendly Test" to verify the optimization mobile of your website. The program will emphasize all the shortcomings and propose improvements needed to improve your seo.

Make sure that the navigation is responsive

As mentioned above, the responsive design (or design responsive) has a significant impact on the ranking of your website on Google. It is the ability to change the appearance of the platform according to the resolution of the screen on which it is displayed (smartphone, tablet, browser window, custom, etc). Thanks to this feature, the user will no longer have to zoom in or zoom out the screen to be able to navigate on your web site. For example, the navigation pane (or menu) on the top of each page automatically becomes a drop-down list on smaller screens. Apart from this bar, all the other elements of your site will respond the same way.

The responsive design improves the user experience, increases the time of Web users on the platform and allows the mobile versions retain the same URL (without losing the authority of the domain). These are a number of advantages in terms of seo.


A building, also called the external link, is the generation of a backlink that you can navigate and view a Web site. For search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo, if a site has an authority more or less speaks to you and refers to you via a link backlinks pointing to your site is that your content is relevant and that the site in question give you his trust. The more you have authority, you will have more confidence, and more the site of binding authority, the easier it will improve your ranking SERPS. Therefore, sites with high domain authority (DA) give priority, as they are high.

The “ campaign of link building ” is a real problem that needs to be at the center of your strategy, and you can't stop to focus your efforts.


The links are a mark of authority and show the importance of creating a link to your content from other pages and publications. Get in the habit of linking to articles, each time you write a new article or a new page because search engines assign a score to each Web page and provide more articles and suggestions to readers at the score of the page. The importance and benefits of the use of Interlink :
  • Increase the number of page views
  • Increase the amount of time each user spends on your website
  • Improve the score of each publication and page SEO (Score)

Pay attention to social signals important

In a study that was conducted by Searchmetrics shows that social signals are particularly present for the pages that occupy the first 2 places in the ranking. After that, the latter is rapidly losing its importance (especially for Twitter, and Google Plus). This is explained by the fact that the first place in the rankings is usually to brands that take advantage of their popularity on social networks. The correlation between social signals and ranking is high. As you know, correlation does not necessarily imply causality, It is certain that the number of shares and likes for the top-ranked sites has increased compared to last year. It is found that the marks are more on the social networks, and enhance their image.

Publish quality content and relevant for your audience

Improve your rankings on Google, it also requires a good strategy of content marketing. It is important to attract the attention of your viewers internal through your publications. In this sense, the articles, pictures, and videos that you use on your site must be relevant and of high quality.

In order to produce a good content, it is necessary to look at prior to the target audience. What type of audience you want to reach ? What are the subjects that may be of interest ? What is the format of content is more likely to capture their attention ? What is the problem of the article can it solve ? By asking the right questions, you can easily find topics for powerful on which you rely.

After you find a topic of interest, you will need to combine seo with your approach to editorial. The titles, sub-titles and meta-descriptions should contain the keywords required. The goal is to make pleasure to Google bots, all the while encouraging people to want to click on the links.

Delete pages zombie

A page zombie is a page of a Web site that does not generate traffic for a certain time (usually a year).

The removal of pages zombies can help you improve your rank and get more traffic from Google. For example, A Web site of e-commerce has seen an increase of 31 % of the traffic on the search engines and a 28% increase in sales after the removal of 11 000 pages of products.

Why this trick SEO does it work ? Well, Google does not rank the pages bloated with content that is of poor quality : "If a part of your website contains content that is of bad quality, this can affect the overall positioning of your Web site. Therefore, the ranking of your content in high quality may improve if you remove the poor-quality pages, combine or improve the content of some of the main pages to make the pages more useful, or if you move your bad pages to a single page from a different domain."

Use URLS, and meta descriptions

Your URL and your meta description, are the main factors that help Google to understand the content of your Web site. There are no strict rules on the length of these elements for a better classification, but the goal is to keep them as concise and clear as possible while including keywords to target. Here are some best practices to keep your URLS and meta descriptions as clean as possible :
  • Use a consistent structure in thinking of the future publications : whether you're planning content specific to an area of your site or that you create content similar to the following, the structure of URLS, and meta-descriptions of the associated content remain unchanged, and the like.
  • Avoid the language redundant : In both cases, Each language must be concise and precise.
  • Enrich it with keywords : again, make sure that your URLS and meta descriptions, which include the keywords that you are targeting.

Proceed to the cocoon semantics

The cocoon semantics, mesh cocoon, or how to run a robust strategies and new. As defined by the SEO expert Laurent Bourrelly : The goal is to bind strongly to the pages which dealt with the same subject. In a sense, it is a system architecture for SEO.

The relationship between the hierarchy of your pages by trees, so-called isolated, with similar themes, thus, allows Google to uniquely identify the nature and organization of the content. This allows you to uniquely identify your configuration.and also it allows search engine bots to easily associate pages to the queries of surfers. In this way, they are more likely to directly contribute to your content.

Once you have finished working with this group of topics, it remains for you to "prepare" the cocoon semantics. In other words, it incorporates new content in the current network.

As you can see, it is a complicated task, but it is sustainable. It is therefore worthwhile to take the time to realize its mesh cocoon, thinking to link new content to greatly increase your references.

Get the best seo results

Because of the speed at which content is created and published, the search engines will spend hours to classify billions of Web sites on the Internet. You can't radically change your SEO ranking overnight, but small changes can improve your SEO ranking over time. By using tools to explore the key factors that influence it, such as : loading Speed, content problems, META tags, links and capacity to explore. You can improve the seo of your website and improve your rankings on Google.
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