How and why you need to remove and improve your old content?

The Web sites continue to grow over time, accumulating more and more Web pages. They may contain content obsolete as archives, contained repetitive, chestnuts, etc Each of these cases can pose problems of seo, because Google regularly updates its algorithms.

The question that arises is to know How and why you need to remove and improve your old content in the framework of its strategy of content ? As a specialist in digital marketing, it is time for us to focus on publications that we may not be seen for months, or even years. As we reviewed each article of blog oldest, we need to make a selection. Repealing we have the content or the update we? Discover in this article.

The case of removal of content

At each update of the Google algorithm, you can expect the new rules, and therefore to new sanctions. If your Web site does not meet the requirements of search engines, your page rank will drop. Some of the publications should be removed to improve seo. The content of the following can be considered to be outdated or of poor quality :
  • The texts of less than 300 words (to enrich the content).
  • The content is duplicated. Duplicate content (even within your site) is not good for seo.
  • The articles are out of date or which are no longer relevant. It may be possible to update.
  • Content that does not focus on the right keywords.
  • The publications which do not correspond to the current product range.
  • The contents which do not conform to the regulations in force. This last case is especially highly technical fields such as accounting, medicine and law.

When the content should it be redirected ?

Redirection is an interesting alternative outside of the above situations. This is especially true for content that doesn't add value to your goals and who has a high bounce rate.

Instead of putting a bridge on a relevant page, it is better to create a redirect to the most relevant page. This technique also works if the statistics of a page are always good, but that its content is more likely.

If you have old pages, or double, include the tag "noindex" will not break your internal navigation. Therefore, they will no longer appear in search engine results.

When to update its content ?

Delete or redirect the content is not always the best solution to optimize your seo. If you have blog posts properly optimized, you will be able to update it to improve their page ranking on Google. Update your content will give him a "good account" of the part of Google. It also presents many advantages, because you do not need, for example :
  • Create a new content : less work and labour.
  • Produce exchanges of links (link building) : The content already contains backlinks.
You can also update your title, meta description or the part quote of your code. Using this method, you can optimize the relevance of some specific keywords and optimize your click-through rate.

How to improve your old content ?

Google has released the first update to the Panda algorithm, in February 2011. The purpose of this is to denigrate and decommissioning of the sites whose content is of poor quality.

This update negatively affects the ranking of many websites. In fact, the sites that publish the content of bad quality or duplicate are punished.

The editors will then give a lot of trouble to improve their websites in order to regain their position in the rankings of Google. Many publishers thrive by improving existing content.

This process is not very difficult, but it can take some time. There are several things you can do to improve the old content. Here are a few ideas. It is not necessary to use all of these ideas each time also. In fact you should choose something which really improves your text.

Add keywords

If you have a tendency to neglect the key words or if you have recently refined your keywords, don't hesitate to discover what keywords work best for your content. Even if you do not choose the right keywords, you probably have noticed that the topic of the article presents an opportunity.

You can also discover the keywords from niche relevant to your content, which can be complemented by the publication of additional sections.

Nb : Browse regularly the Google Search Console for your website with the help of filters page to find new keyword opportunities (usually those positioned between positions 20 and 100).

Improvement of titles

The securities may be difficult to create. You want to target your main keywords, but you also want to direct the search engines to your article. It is to know the techniques of seo and know how to tap into the emotions and the interest of your readers.

Maybe the title is not very interesting or does not contain the right keywords. In this case, it is important to improve the title tag, check out the sections dedicated to it.

Nb : Title tags can help you to increase your website ranking and traffic.

Tags meta description improved and expanded

Your meta description (the text that appears in the search engines under your title) can help to convince visitors to click on your website. Check your meta description and see if you can improve it. You can include figures, adjectives (amazing, wow, etc) and enough information to clarify the topic of the article. But be careful not to reveal everything. Do not expose all the information in your meta tag description.

Write a best introduction

Keep visitors on your site is important. A good reference can help you achieve this goal. Many Web sites do not pay much attention to the quality of their references.

However, writing a personal introduction, and interesting can quickly attract the attention of your visitor. Also, to take advantage of the extracts optimized (position 0), know the answer in short terms in the search intent of the users.

Combine several of the articles

Sometimes, older articles are of poor quality and can not be upgraded to meet your expectations.

What to do ? You can either remove it, or combine it with other content to improve it. If your site has a lot of content, maybe another article will suffice.

Add outbound links

You may not have not included a lot of outgoing links. The improvement of the content is a good opportunity to address this gap. So don't hesitate to add all the links that you feel would be helpful. The updates also help to correct the links obsolete.

Add summary

This is an update extremely important which can improve the seo of your entire website. If you update the old content, you will have the option to add links to the new content.
Nb : Add internal links every time you update an article.the.

Integrate Google Maps

If applicable, do not hesitate to integrate the Google Maps. You can specify a region, a district, a city or a postal address.

Social media integration

Many articles that are very popular include written messages on social media (especially Twitter) when they are relevant. So anyone who is in need of a story or want to bring a different point of view can turn to the social networks. It's fast, free, and keeps your readers engaged.

Update the date before publishing the article

Regardless of how you update the article, remember to change the date. Users may be asked to look for a recent content.

Split long paragraphs

Break long paragraphs is a trick that can be useful. In particular, at the level of the time spent by users on your site. Nobody likes to read the cobblestones.

When changing only the layout of the article, and that it is necessary to modify the date, this is an improvement and not an update.

Add videos

No doubt, add a video (if relevant) is a good idea. A good video is an important source of information and entertainment. In addition, as the content is old, it is very likely that new videos have been created since. You can create your own video and post it from YouTube or even add it directly to your Web site.

Optimize photos and graphics

The optimization of images involves performing the following steps :
  • decrease the size of the file in order to reduce the loading time and storage space.
  • Add an image description (alt text)
Nb : It is necessary to be careful because when you change the name of the image, it also changes its URL. The latter can be a source of traffic is important, and can be well referenced by Google. If you rename the files, you may lose these benefits.

Add a FAQ section

Add content to the question and answer format. It is convenient for users and easy to write. All you have to do is to imagine the questions that beginners ask, and to provide detailed answers.
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