How to create a list of key words ?

With the right keyword list for your campaign can help you show your ads to the right people. The keywords should match the terms that potential customers might use to find your product or service.

Create a list of key-words in your strategy, inbound is essential. Just because 50 to 60 % of internet users use the Web to search and find solutions to problems and answers to questions.

This list of keywords will be so, in fact, a list of queries that your prospects and customers are likely to enter in the search engines and your internal search to find answers to their questions.

The creation of a list of keywords for your content strategy is the last step of an audit SEO. Choose the right keywords to ensure that you create content that is searchable and attract quality traffic. This article describes some basic principles to use when creating a list of keywords PPC relevant.

What is keywords in SEO ?

Everyone is able to do a million things to start an seo project, but your client (or yourself) always need a keyword research first. Keyword research is one of the most important topics of seo. Launch an seo campaign without it would have a huge impact. What makes it so important is the fact that users and search engines rely on keywords to identify the information, and Web sites.

The research of keywords is still important today, but not like before Google RankBrain. To show the usefulness of the keyword research in order to highlight the type of keywords that are the foundation of any successful project. Choose wisely can save you time and money.

In the optimization of search engines, the keywords are ideas and topics that define the content of a site page, Web. In seo, are words and expressions that people use in search engines, also called "search queries", "query key" or "search phrases".

As a webmaster and content creator for your Web site, you want the keywords of your page to be relevant to the research users. Because of this, you have great chances to find your content among the many results on the web.

Why keywords are important ?

The key words are important because they form a link between what people are looking for and the content that you provide to respond to this need. The objective of the search engine ranking is to generate organic traffic to your website from pages of search engine results (SERP). The keywords that you choose (you include in your content) will determine the amount of traffic you will get.
Through a variety of tools, we can determine the amount of traffic, in particular in estimating the number of clicks. Then, it can be interesting to run paid campaigns (SEA) based on your results and your needs. You may need to use Keyword Planner, an important tool to suggest and plan your keywords. It allows you to find the best keywords to start your Adwords campaign. Choose keywords based on your hearing.

The keyword search is necessary ?

First of all, what is a research keywords ?

The search keyword is in the process of search and selection of words and phrases that are directly related to the company, the product or service that users are looking for.

The research of key words might seem to be the most basic and the most simple. It is possible, but still do it from time to time ?

Let's be honest. Target the wrong keywords and you'll miss the market completely. In addition, if you're targeting keywords that are competitive, you will never be classified and will be read. Keep in mind that the intention of the user is changing with time.

If you use the wrong keywords for your clients (or for you), you will attract the wrong visitors to your website and no one will buy. Where to start ? Search keywords should answer the following question : "what is my target/my audience wants to know exactly about my product/service ?" The key to success is to know your objectives, and their state of mind.

How to develop a keyword list ?

  1. Think like a user when creating your list
Make a list of the main categories of your business and enter the words or phrases that can be. Include terms and phrases that potential customers use to describe your product or service.
  1. Think in terms of the issues and needs
People use search engines to find answers to their questions. Create these questions using keywords. Instead of thinking directly to your keywords, think about the questions posed by people who need or want your product/service. To help you in this keyword research, you may refer to the frequently asked questions by your customers. The other hand, do not be afraid to take account of the suggestions of Google when you type keywords into the search bar. Your Web site, product or service is the answer. So try to find questions. Once you have found these questions, think of all the different keywords that describe them.

Tools search keyword

There are many tools and techniques to create a list of key words from your ideas. However, not all tools are not created equal. Some provide additional data, such as search volume. To carry out this task, it is imperative that you have access to a tool with keyword ideas and actions related to a key word in relation to another.

For your information, Google has recently blocked access to the data volume of research in its planning tools for users without a valid account. But how to determine and find the keywords that are searched for ? Below you will find a list of tools that can help you to perform a search of key words (in order of priority).
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