5 ways to build backlinks effectively

Backlinks play an important role in the seo of a website. To this end, the giant Google attaches great importance to the external links pointing to a web site. The latter sees it as a sign of awareness. For the majority of SEO specialists, backlinks are approximately 70 % in the seo of a web page. However, it is necessary to determine how to generate quality backlinks. In this article, you will discover what are the 5 ways to build backlinks effectively.

Analyze the backlinks of your competitors

You do not need to analyze the external links of all your competitors, you can simply target the main. Because of this, please do not hesitate to search for the sites that have the same target market that you and which takes place in the same location. But since this is the Internet, you can also be of interest to foreign sites. In general, you should establish a list which contains about 5 among the best placed and based on your selection criteria. Once you've selected it, you use SEO tools to carefully analyze their external links. Take for example the origin of links, anchors are used, and many other items. Tools like Majestic SEO and Semrush can help you in carrying out this analysis.

To determine the potential of a backlink

As you can imagine, all links for SEO does not have the same value. And of course, the quality of the links should take precedence over quantity. Here are some criteria to have quality links.

– Links must be from a website well-referenced, and quality : to determine the value that Google places on a website, you need to analyze its pagerank. However, for a better analysis of the website, it is preferable to use the Alexa rank, the number of subscribers on various social networks, Google reviews, etc

– Links must be contextualised : make sure that the link pointing to your site is well situated. Be interested about the link, its location, etc

Make comments in the forums and blogs

The problem with the external links is that they are not generated by you. Therefore, you do not have the upper hand over. Because of this, you need to create quality content so that they may be taken and linked. So that your website is correctly positioned, you can even make comments at the bottom of articles by placing the links below.

Get in touch with the web masters who are using your pictures

The majority of web developers and web editors, to illustrate their articles and other content, use images that do not belong to you. The principle is simple, you just need to identify all sites that use your images and to attach the webmaster by email. Inside your email, you must notify the images that are present on their site are their own. Instead of asking them to delete these images, ask them instead to indicate the link pointing to your site.

Use Google Alert to identify targets

Google alerts is a service offered by the search engine market leader. It allows you to receive a notification by email each time a useful content for you is published. Google alerts is very relevant to generate links. The principle of operation is simple, you just have to ask Google alerts to notify you whenever a person mentions the name of your product or your brand. Once you have received the notification, you can contact the owner of the website and offer to put a link pointing to your site. In return, you can also add a link to his site. This technique is more original and effective than that of directories.

Generate backlinks is a routine operation for an seo agency web web Online. They are experts in regards to optimizing a site for search engines. So you can grow closer to them to find out a bit more.
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