Entrust us with the management of your accounts and we will take care of the management of your community for a better return on investment !

Our goal is to make you know through the creation of engaging content, advertising campaign, and management of your community on social networks that are of interest to you. Through dynamic and effective strategies, we ensure that your page or account to be attractive in order to keep and, especially, attracting new customers. 

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Time is money ! Save time and generate results through our service management social networks.

Many business leaders, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises, waste of time to try it by themselves to attract their target on the social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Etc.). On the other hand, they would certainly be better to focus on another facet of their business, where their expertise would be most beneficial.

At Betaclic Digital, we offer complete social media management services We put in place a team of experienced and professional community managers, who analyze your product, your objectives and your market to provide you with quality content that is relevant to your audience. We know that consistency on social media is one of the keys to success in this world, which is why, we recommend that all our clients publish and monitor engagement daily to increase their subscribers.

In addition, understand what you need to say (storytelling) your target is extremely important. This strategy is necessary to engage the attention, engage and persuade the targeted audience to generate loyalty to your brand. This account is not just to have a story to tell but, it is good to tell a true story.

 Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else knows.

A campaign for pay well-conducted on the social networks can be an extremely powerful enabler to accelerate the growth of a brand, a product or a service. Conversely, a campaign poorly executed, will have an adverse effect on the brand, products, or services of a business and can become the end-cost to it. Thus, using an agency that specializes in social networks (SMMA) and enjoying a real know-how, you can be sure to see results in real, measurable, and which will tend to be reflected on your sales that may be multiplied by 10, and more.

At Betaclic Digital, we have professionals who use all their expertise and professionalism to ensure a real return on investment for all of our clients. Although Facebook ads are by far the most popular social network, we may also run ads on social networks like Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and other paid platforms. We make sure to use your advertising budget wisely to extend the reach of your product or service in order to help you convert your target into loyal customers. Moreover, we always keep in mind the campaign objective to design the most suitable advertising campaign strategy to bring our customers results beyond their expectations.


At Betaclic Digital, we have professionals who use all their expertise and professionalism to ensure a real return on investment for all of our clients. Although Facebook ads are by far the most popular social network, we may also run ads on social networks like Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and other paid platforms. We make sure to use your advertising budget wisely to extend the reach of your product or service in order to help you convert your target into loyal customers. Moreover, we always keep in mind the campaign objective to design the most suitable advertising campaign strategy to bring our customers results beyond their expectations.

Contrary to traditional marketing (advertisements in magazines, newspapers, etc), e-mail marketing allows you to send offers directly to customers and gives you a clear feedback of your actions advertising or promotional through key performance indicators (KPIS). Thanks to the e-mail marketing, you have a view real-time scope and the effectiveness of your campaign is the number of people who have received your e-mail, what are the people who opened it, who clicked on the link, etc to understand what works and what doesn't in your campaign, and, therefore, easily adjust your strategy to achieve your goals.
If you want to promote a product, service or limited-time offer to your target audience, email marketing is a very effective way to do it.E-mail marketing is a channel of communication to help you increase engagement on your products or services, and thus, your total number of clients. However, even if the e-mail marketing is a formidable weapon to attract new customers and retain the ones you already have, the creation of a campaign can be time-consuming and, if you are inexperienced likely it will have zero impact on your business, and you might just lose your time and money. This is where our digital agency specialised French in e-mail marketing comes in.

À Betaclic Digital, nous pensons que chaque entreprise est différente et, a besoin d'une stratégie d'email marketing personnalisée pour réussir. Nous avons mis en place des tunnels de conversion qui vous permettent d'avoir un réel impact sur vos objectifs. Our first step is to get customers to open your e-mail by creating a relevant message in the subject line. The main purpose of the "clickbait " is to attract attention and encourage the openings of e-mails. After all, regardless of the quality of your offer, it is no use if nobody views it. The second step isthrough a content strategy, custom, to guide the recipient toward the next step. We are proud to have created such a process of marketing so that you can get more opens and click-through rates higher.

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A brand that ignores social networks... will not survive. It's as simple as that !

Do not hesitate to entrust us with your missions !
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