16 marketing Trends digital content

Gone are the days of advertising content "mass" non-personalized, and without context. More than ever, companies need to focus on authentic content, engaging and immersive to capture the attention of their audience. Given the frenetic pace of the web, and the abundance of content that appear online, the trend is now in a slowdown of the production of the latter. A similar movement at slow content, a marketing technique aimed at reducing the production of content in order to improve the quality. Today, we find that it is necessary to produce content that is longer and more in depth, that we call long-forms or long formats. For years, the specialists of the web have favoured short forms, but the documentation and expertise today are rudimentary, focusing more and more authenticity. Therefore, the content slow and the long form can strengthen the reputation and identity of a company, stand out from its competitors and improve seo. In content marketing, the approaches are evolving very quickly. Yes, brands are creating more and more content targeted to get even closer to their customers. Similarly, they try to generate more engagement. But how do they manage to achieve these goals ? To answer this question, here's a little preview of what it should look like content marketing across this article.

1. Amplify her podcasts editorials

The podcast continues its meteoric rise. For listening to a broadcast loop (podcast catch-up) or to discover the original content (podcasts native speakers), this format achieved its objectives, which are to seduce his target. Podcasts are a new way for brands to create and develop their own proposal, editorial, original, and capture the interest of audiences.

2. A customer experience is always better

Improve your online presence is no longer enough to attract and retain new customers. Users are more demanding and they face increasing competition. Companies must meet the needs of their customers and roll out the red carpet throughout their path to purchase. Consumers expect the brands they offer an unparalleled customer experience. As the trend is beneficial for your business. Thanks to the good practices of digital marketing, you will be able to :
  • Hold your business over the long term.
  • Improve customer satisfaction
  • Increase the number of brand ambassadors.
  • Improve your brand image.
  • Increase your sales.
The goal for 2022 is to return to the human in your marketing communications, and for this, the AI and the data are very effective tools. A single word in fashion : Humanisez your digital channels with messaging, and a cover ultra-custom.

3. Apply the principle of Less is More

No one can deny it : your goals, 2021, have experienced an unprecedented upheaval. No doubt many will want to return to the tranquility and simplicity in 2022... and this even by consuming digital content. By applying the principle of Less is More, the idea that content is really effective is clean and simple, far away from the habits that have most of the experts of digital marketing to strive for perfection and completeness. This trend of Content marketing will bring to your strategy :
  • A planning editorial based on the trends of the slow content. The principle is simple : you post less, spend more time to develop content with high added value. Say goodbye to the "inspirational quotes" and blog articles that are empty.
  • A more minimalist design and less "probably". Instead of searching for the final versions of the pixel-by-pixel, you can make your content more quickly. And you also search for soundtracks, graphics, minimalist.
  • The video at the heart of your marketing strategy. More spontaneous, more free than other formats, the video content you can immediately apply the principle of Less is More to your rss editorial.

4. Capitalize on the Fear of Missing Out

In 2022, your Whole content strategy or inbound marketing should really be aiming to make this famous Fear of Missing Out one of your goals. The key is an increased loyalty and brand enhanced by the feeling was very particular. This trend of content marketing will bring to your strategy :
  • The platforms of streaming becomes your playground. If your audience is on Twitch or Stream, why not offer your content marketing ?
  • The Newsjacking is an integral part of your content creation process. Trends necessary thanks to the team (and especially the community manager) and of the internal processes that allow the flexibility to react quickly to current events.
  • Your digital content becomes " serious ". The distribution episodic content creates the Fear of Missing Out around him, and offers a great value. Divide your webinar or your podcast episodes and create a "micro-guide" from your next formal report.

5. Restore the writing

The visual formats are the kings for years. The strategies of branding, in addition to referencing sacred natural (requiring the crossing of the text), which include the publication of infographics and other visual elements to capture the attention of individuals targets in their flow. In 2022, the trend for the editorial content text is back. It is both soothing and engaging, but also the bearers of strong emotions. This that these patterns bring to your strategy :
  • Newsletters become brand content unavoidable. It is communicated as it should be, and is signed, preferably by an actual person of your company.
  • The publications are authentic, are focused on the exchange and well-structured. The text becomes a tendency, even on the professional social networks, without returning to the format seen and reviewed.
  • Your web site presents the text of the honour. Without abandoning your SEO keywords for all the work your titles to make them true catchlines for prospects addicted by copywriting.

6. Put the personal branding of the honor

And if the editorial strategy did not influence only the publication of branded content ? And if your employees or even your business partners could help you humanize your brand while combating the algorithms of social media (which tend to favor the personal profiles on the pages of the company) ? It is the promise of personal branding to help you achieve your goals while reflecting your brand. And the good news ? The loyalty of your employees who will participate in your digital strategy. This trend of content marketing brings to your strategy :
  • You play as the vision of your brand. The leaders in your company are expressed on social media, giving the organisation an aura of sophistication.
  • The content of speech are the foundation of your communication strategy. Podcasts and interviews (employees, customers...) feed the editorial lines in both B2C and B2B.

7. Invest new spaces of expression

Produce quality content, it is well... it is even better to find your targets where they will eat, and especially where they least expected it. In 2022, even if you don't give up the hope of being in the top results of search engines, you try new channels to distribute your content. This trend of content marketing will bring to your strategy :
  • Your strategy YouTube will, of course, to reinvent itself, diversifying formats of video course (interviews, vidéocasts, videos, social...). But also to create content with influencers for this fantastic video platform for reaching new audiences.
  • The audio is the basis to create a distinct content. Easy to build next to you, but also easy to eat next to your target (in the car or in the bathroom), the audio is an excellent strategy to create a relationship of proximity with your audience.
  • You try to format Master class. These short guides for the use of your product, intended to make your clients real experts, give your strategy a content (really) useful.

8. Align with the SERPS, and the alternatives of Google

In 2022, the trend in content marketing is no longer completely linked to search engine optimization. The marketers had the bad habit of relying too much on tools such as generators of keywords and analyzers score SEO. Up to optimize their content. The keywords are needed to make a relevant article, but not everything needs to be integrated. Too much SEO kills the SEO, as we say today, an optimization natural is to use cutting-edge machinery, and not forgetting the side "human" of the content. It is therefore essential that the keywords are well-distributed and the organic links are well organized. In fact, the SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) are needed to evaluate the performance of your online content. But keep in mind that the machines do not show that a fact and not able to perform any analysis that is specific to you. For example, no intelligence not show that the title "how should this be done for better visibility" is better than "5 ideas to do for improved visibility. When it is just the opposite."

9. Use the storytelling with the machine Learning and AI

The storytelling should be one of the trends in content marketing to 2022, just as we do in digital marketing. It was popular as an art of storytelling has the capacity of reaching the player. It should take care of all kinds of technology and intelligence to humanize the content.

10. Optimize content for voice search

With the advent of tools voice control powered by AI such as Siri, Alexa and Cortana, it has become a widely accepted to conduct online research, in particular, for the users very tired or don't have time to type what they wanted to seize.

Comscore has predicted that by 2022, up more than 50 % of all searches will be by voice search, and this is clearly reflected in the number of people in the world using speakers smart.

If you want to take advantage of this trend, you need to optimize your website and adjust your seo strategy to provide voice search. In relation to the content, you must also include audio formats in your articles and ads, and to pay attention to your choice of words.

11. The data analysis becomes more complex

That says more content says more complex analysis. For 2022, you will need to go beyond the simple number of page views, or conversion rates. In addition to the traffic generated, you should try to analyze :
  • The rate of clicks a title to determine its performance
  • The depth of the scroll to see if the content has been read to the end
  • The level of engagement of the readers, consumers, etc
If your article has multiple authors, please do not hesitate to compare and see what your readers are looking for more.

12. The snack content leaves room for longer content

There was a time when the snack content adapted to the share on the social networks became popular. But times have changed, as have the expectations of the users and the standard SEO Google. Everyone wants a high-quality content from trusted sources. This does not mean that you should stop to create content that is short, this simply means that you need to incorporate longer content in your strategy.

A study conducted by BuzzSumo has also revealed that longer articles are shared more often on social networks. So don't be afraid to reach 2000 words. But don't forget that the information must be useful and of good quality.

13. Aim for Featured Snippets

Everybody wants this position, and to achieve this, the content marketing must meet a few criteria. The benchmark 2022, Google will focus more on the user experience than in previous years, including the Core Web essentials, which can be summarized by an improvement of the interaction of the pages, the loading speed and visual stability. Therefore, the content marketing must not only give a clear answer to the search intent of the users, but also provide an experience of best navigation.

14. The SEO is paramount

No marketing strategy content would not be possible without the SEO, and marketers have understood this, as 80% have invested in SEO over the last year. Three areas of investment priority for a seo effective are :
  • Keywords strategic
  • Location
  • Optimizing for mobile
With more than half of your traffic from organic search, the mastery of the techniques of seo is essential in 2022 if you want your company to be better ranked in the search results.

15. The ABM to treat his major accounts

ABM (Account Based Marketing) is the big trend to incorporate into your content strategy in 2022. Its benefits are immense :
  • A return on investment is maximised.
  • KPIS that are easy to measure.
  • An improvement of the collaboration between the teams.
  • The optimization of resources.
  • A course of purchasing reduced.
More specifically, the ABM, or marketing, strategic account aims to attract the attention of B2B companies with high growth potential. This technique is to create content that is personalized and high-value-which focuses on a specific objective. Regardless of the size of your business, the ABM's in the reach of all. In the end, her biggest challenge is targeting strategic customers.

16. Capitalize on the proximity marketing

In addition to the listing, the proximity marketing helps create communities that are engaged with content that touches customers and encourages them to share their experiences (user generated content). The products/services and local content have the wind in its sails, so that the marks have a tendency to focus on the proximity marketing.
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