A strategy for web marketing effective is the one that aligns with your business goals to ensure a return on investment. In this regard, with your agency, you must define the goals of your digital strategy, in correlation with your marketing objectives.
You are aiming for an increase of the market share of your product, how can you help achieve this goal ?
- thanks to more traffic, it is to say, most of the hearing ? How editorial strategy ?
- Thanks to the increase in the number of leads generated through your website ?
- thanks to an improvement in conversions, that is to say, convert your visitors into leads and your leads into customers ?
Don't forget that if, for example, Facebook is part of your digital activities, you need to use it to achieve your marketing objectives. It will be most of the time, conversions to generate new leads for your sales force or fill the baskets with your e-commerce site.
Make sure that the methods used by the digital agency you have selected, perfectly matched to your goals.